Thursday, March 14, 2013

Man and the Mason

As a 16 year Freemason, a three time Past Master, Lodge Councilor, 32 degree Scottish Rite, and member of the of Consistory, I get a lot of people coming to me for advice about Masonry. This week I spoke with two perspective members and some longtime members on two separate occasions. One of the perspectives I actual told not to join; not because he was a bad guy, but because his reasons for joining were flawed. This puts me at odds with members who are just trying to build membership; this is the problem with our Craft today. Sometime people think they are joining a Lions Club or Elk Club type organization. But if that was the case why do we require members to go through initiation rituals, and do memory work. So when I ask Brothers all who attained the third degree of a Master Mason why do you think you were put through these bizarre rituals? The response usually the same “well they told me I had to” my next question; what did you learn from your experience? “I don’t know”. Now by this point they are looking pretty dumb in front of their buddy, who also has no idea why he is wanting to join. It astonishes me people still recommend me as someone to talk about Masonry. In end I have stirred enough interest in these members and non-members to open there minds and understand that the degrees of Masonry is the journey into one’s own life, who’s teachings have been handed from the ancient Egyptian mystery schools. Freemasonry is built on the clear understanding that men need to be engaged in the own quest for self-improvement. I can help, and Masonry can give you those tools, and facilitate the fundamental psychological consciousness. But the journey must be taken alone.           

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