Monday, May 21, 2012

History is biased to its own era.
   Where the hell do we get our information? I love History, don’t know why I just do, I love philosophy, and still trying to figure out why. When I was younger I would read things as they were, like “this is the way it happened”, but as I get older I understand history is written by the victorious, and to take it a step further, it is written the in the manner the victorious wants to be displayed. So when we read history; is our history bias? Historians throughout history have biased their work unintentionally, because of their knowledge in the time they lived. Even though I understand these limitations on historical facts it drives me crazy. I don’t like the fact I may have wrong, or warped, or even contaminated so call facts about my history; I Want the Truth Damn it!  “You can’t handle the TRUTH!” you can’t have it, it’s not even available; so why stress over it. But whow is me because I do. I can’t even get the straight story on the modern news networks. It’s almost always molested by either the liberal media or the conservative anarchy. We cannot even get a real Presidential debate; the establishment of our country will no longer let our news media ask open questions in a real non scripted debate, it has to be laid out beforehand, only certain trusted news anchors are allowed to appear. The establishment wants us to believe we are seeing the real issues, or these politicians sweating it out. Oh please man these guys are just reading a script and looking good. What the worst thing is most Americans buy into this crap. Then of course everybody and their dog sends out e-mails supporting an agenda, telling really sad stories about how the liberal media is spreading lies, when the bigger lie is their own e-mail spreading a conservative agenda, and the only reason their sending out lies is because they support the lies not the truth. Moreover all too often the e-mail forwarders who believes the e-mail completely no matter how outrageous the claims, but will say “I will not read the liberal media because it is bias”. OH MY GODISH, people will believe an e-mail someone made up or an angry blogger over at least an somewhat verifiable media source I believe in a free open and informed society, the problem I am a minority, the only people we have running our government anymore are the ruffians. Yes the inmates are now running the asylum, Wall Street runs our Government, the most powerful people in Washington these days are the lobbyist. If you don’t like what their doing and try to stop them, they will out spend you in every corner; our courts are not even fair anymore. Try to take on Wall Street and they will out spend you, they will tie it up in the court systems so long you will run out of money before they do.  Oh wait I have a solution these corporation who scam the public and out take advantage of the little guy, I’ll just organize a boycott of their product. Don’t waist your time because our courts which are supposed to be of public record, have gage orders issued to protect the parties. So where is freedom of information, most of the time we don’t even know some of these cases exist, because there not made public. Just think of how many cases would not even go to court if these corporations had to succumb themselves to public scrutiny. Again I’m not saying we should take advantage of these corporations with frivolous lawsuits, but all these cases should be made public to let the people decide.  Our courts are influenced by our government and our government is ran by Wall Street, and you thought it was a government for the people by the people.

 What is honored in a country will be cultivated there.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Ramblings of a madman, well not really a madman just me, more like the inner landscapes of a craftsmen, a craftsmen of what? You might ask, well of life, whether you know it or not your building a life, through your own life experiences, and your own knowledge, you are building your own life. I have decided to put some of my thoughts down in my quest for peace of mind. I have always had deep thoughts toward many of the aspects of living, but never had really given the aspects of living and dying, much thought until recently. I think it comes with midlife, and realizing your mortality. I’ve got skeletons in my closet just like many of you reading this do, and I have issues I have to deal with just like many of you do. If you’re reading this you might be  on a journey of you own, so read on, if you care to read my ongoing travels to those undiscovered countries. I use the metaphor of a craftsmen because I am a student of Freemasonry.  
   The philosophy of life and wisdom of age is the main reason I have started this writing. I’m not sure whether anybody would ever want to read this, but if nothing else to let people know their not alone in dealing with issues of life’s journey. Since I have found, profound insight in the truth-seeking idealism of Freemasonry and the Scottish Rite, most of my post will resolve around Masonic themes. I know it seems when I read about other people who have dealt with the thought provoking issues as I have, it makes me feel better; so I can understand there can be learning anxiety issues when you want answers to your questions, but I have come to learn some answers that aren’t really there; just part of life’s mystery.
   As of recently I seemed to be compelled to write of man’s or of my search for truth or purpose of life. Man has been searching for the answers to these questions since the beginning of time; nor am I saying I have found those answers either. What I want to do here, in these writings is to put into perspective of what my interpretation of what the search for truth really means. Of course as I grow older, my views change, my outlook changes, my values change, and my interpretations change, so I will always reserve the right to change my mind. I have also learned that demographics are important as to one’s outlook. I do not consider myself a well traveled person, so my exposure to other people’s position or their point of view is limited. I grew up in very conservative home, with conservative values.  Depending on your perspective, and my perspective of conservative vs liberal which is influenced by, demographics, upbringing, age, and life experiences.  One thing I have learned in my studies is always remember this, when readings someone else’s point of view on a subject or perspective. Not only will you learn more about why the author thinks the way he or she does, but you may also view a subject in a whole new light, one that you may have never considered before. Always remember your reason and your judgment should always be your final conclusion.

An argument should be a presentation of ideas which ends in a truth, not a winner and a looser.
Gary W. Perry

I like quotes.

    I joined the honorable fraternity of Free and Accepted Mason in 1997, and have served as Worshipful Master multiple times, and a 32 degree Scottish Rite. Through Masonry is where much of my journey has taken place. Before I joined Masonry I walked through life blindfolded, which was just fine to me, but once I saw the light there was no turning back. I had emerged from Plato’s cave and witnessed the burning bush. I wanted to turn around, but I could not I was froze, for better or worse. I still have the urge to return to the matrix, to see reality has mere shadows, but I know now that can never happen. Most Masons will complete all of the degrees and never remove their blindfold. I had been a Freemason for years before I actual began to really experience it.
   Now Masonry had begun to fulfill my spiritual needs, and although this is not in line with Masonic teachings, it just worked well for me. But I later decided, I must overcome whatever issues I have with organized religion (I was raised Church of Christ). Although I don’t necessarily believe you have to go church to embrace God, I do believe you need those weekly positive influences if you want to be successful. So through prayer and research God led my family to the United Methodist Church. I was told they would be open to my own interpretations, but like so many American conservative Christians today have institutionalized what is normal and that you must adhere to what they believe is true with total disregard to other cultures and historical truths; unfortunately that weekly positive influences went away. Americans have a hard time seeing outside their own little worlds, or are scared of what they don’t understand. Be skeptical of any organization that professes to be the one true anything, stating that their religion is true and others are not, it is someone overly compensating their own doubts. 

By doubting we come at the truth.

   Since Masonry is a major source for my inspiration in philosophical idea’s. Reading some of the great Masonic philosophers is truly a fulfilling experience, Albert Pike, and Joseph Fort Newton being two of my favorites. These men were not afraid to ask those hard loving, full blooded questions about justice and compassion, and mystery. I have come to believe one of Gods greatest gifts is the fact he has made himself such a mystery to us, so that we earnestly search for him in all that the world has to offer. We should remember that not only as Mason’s but as men of God we should strive to hold the virtues of brotherly love and affection as one of the highest, and remember we are of one brotherhood under the fatherhood of God; when setting out to understand each other to make serious effort not to laugh, not to cry, not to denounce, but to understand. True Masonry is not a set of rules or standards, but a spirit upon which to govern one’s self. Governing one’s self is not constant but changing, as life experience changes us. Some of our best teachers are the people who hurt us the most. Freemasonry has been around for thousands of years in one form or another, but it has been and still is constantly evolving to meet the demands of man. Masonry is larger than any one culture, and has its place among all different traditions. Masonry is the champion of the liberty of interpretation. Masonry cannot be dished out, but must be studied and reflected upon to understand what Masonry is to the individual. Only after this can a solid foundation be established for building the individual mason; so why is Freemasonry so hard to define? Because to each Mason it means something different, so you define it for yourself.
   Masonry teaches us that we should not look to the external, but look to internal when recommending a man to be a Mason. The same holds true when in your search for enlightenment, use your God given abilities to look inward. Jesus said “look neither here or there, for behold the kingdom of God is within you”. Buddha said “Be a light unto your own feet; do not seek outside yourself”.

The only true knowledge is knowing, that you know nothing.

Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own mind.
Franklin D. Roosevelt