Thursday, December 27, 2012

Metaphysical Heart
  It interesting to note that spiritual journeys of all the major religions begins in the Heart. When discussing Freemasonry we told our journey begins there, because this is where you are first prepared as an Enter Apprentice, then to the weighting of the Heart in final judgment in the 31st degree Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander.
   In the western philosophy we think of the Heart an emblem of love; in the eastern tradition it is an emblem of the centre and often the site of the soul. In China the Heart was also thought of where the Shen or Spirit resides, and was considered the place of intelligence, moral courage and truth. For me the Heart is an expression of the infinite love; which to be in tune with the divine truth we must become an expression of the agape kind of love.  As you read in the 1 Corinthians below:
   1 Corinthians 13:4
Love is patient, love is kind, love is not envious, or boastful, or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrong doing, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
   Why must your journey begin in the Heart, it is because a good man must be rooted in Love; for without this you cannot progress.  As you will also find this in the story of David in the Old Testament, for he is metaphysically an expression of Gods Love, and seems to express that relationship to man.
“that which you seek is seeking you; that which seek you already are”  Deepak Chopra
   In the Gospel of John it says God is Love, so if one does not know his Heart it is impossible to know the divine. Which is the point of your search; Jesus told us to “love God with all our Hearts” and to “love your enemies as yourself. You have to understand these things so you can move forward. If you know your Heart and know divine love you can overcome anything in this world; even death its self. Jesus was an expression of this divine truth, he loved and forgave his enemies no matter what they did to him, and eventually over came death.
   The Heart is a major figure in Egyptian mythology, where it is weighed in the Hall of Justice in the Court of the Dead, using a balance scale against a feather. We also find the allegorical representation of final judgment common in many of the worlds religions. In Buddhism if one has not found enlightment and the Heart is not pure, you are returned to life again and again until you get it right.
   All human judgment is at best uncertain, but serious in its consequences; it must be redefined as time reveals its errors; which can produce regret, and sometimes remorse. It is not wise to seek to judge your fellow man. This happens to be one of the fundamental teachings of Christ; and Zoroaster who’s Heart wished well to every living thing, and said those who are wise only think well of others and not evil.
   To be wise is to be aware of your own actions, thoughts and motives. As humans we are masters of self deception, and cloak our actions with worthy motives, knowing they are less noble.  In many of the degrees of the Scottish Rite we are taught the neutral action is the same as an evil action; for avoiding evil is not the object; as some would lead you to believe, but being a positive light among a less than perfect world.
   In trying to understand the Metaphysical Heart you must always look beyond the mere symbols, and meditate, concentrate, and contemplate upon the inner knowing. It is here you learn the lessons of, to do wrong and make amends, to sin and repent, for all these things belong to the nobler nature of being human.  For those who hold different opinions entertain them as honestly you do your own, you have no right to doubt their sincerity. For no man is truly wise that is not kind, courteous, and charitable.            

Monday, November 26, 2012

I did not write this (nor do I know who did) but it seems to really fit:

The Lessons of Masonry

Have you ever wondered if there was some lesson or meaning you missed when you took your first degree?

Think about it for a minute. I’m sure there were actually times when you did wonder if there was more you were supposed to learn.

Have you ever heard the old definition of Masonry “We take good men and make them better” and wondered what the heck that really means? Most everyone just takes that phrase at face value.

However, there are deeper meanings that are hidden in each Ritual that we are supposed to explore. If all you remember (for the most part) is what was said to you during your initiation, then there is a lot more to learn. If you were asked, what were the lessons of the first degree, would you be able to answer?

Would you be able to remember what Masonic secrets were imparted during that first degree?

Most Masons would have a real problem with that question. We know what some of the obvious meanings in the EA Ritual are, but what are some of the hidden meanings?

We spend way too much time agonizing over getting new members into Lodge and not near enough time teaching the lessons of Masonry along with the spiritual and moral implications of them.

Learning the Ritual is all well and good, but they are only words without meaning if you don’t understand what they are trying to teach you.

Before we can explore the meanings of any of our Rituals, we must first understand what Masonry really is, or is supposed to be.

We are told that Masonry is a “system of morality, veiled in allegory, and illustrated by symbols.” Again, what the heck does THAT really mean?

Actually this is the most accurate, most beautiful, and the most comprehensive definition of Masonry in as few words as has ever been given.
When it is broken down into its several parts, it becomes clearer: It truly is a System. It is not just a hodge-podge of rules, maxims, and precepts thrown together without order or design.

It is a system of Morality. Morality is the “doctrine of the right and wrong in human conduct”

It is veiled in Allegory. An allegory is a story that has a deeper or more general meaning in addition to its surface meaning. It is illustrated by Symbols. What might be otherwise unintelligible in the allegory is made plain by the symbols accompanying it.

Therefore, in plain words, Masonry is a clear and orderly program of instruction in living your life in a moral and spiritual way, and the use of words, phrases, and symbols are used to identify and understand the more profound and deeper lessons that are not as readily seen on the surface.

The reality is that Masonry is many things. It is different things to different people.
For some, it is only a weekly or monthly gathering of friends and Brothers to share good fellowship and a meal.
For others, it is only performing in the Ritual and teaching and training new members in the memory work.

For some, it is only attending business meetings of the Lodge or being involved in the charitable works of the Lodge and the Fraternity.

For still others, it is only becoming an officer of their Lodge and helping to direct its activities.

But, for many Masons, it is all of these things. But Masonry is really meant to be a philosophy of life.

Now you might ask, what is a philosophy? If you look up the word philosophy in the dictionary, you will find that philosophy is:

1. The love and pursuit of wisdom by intellectual means and moral self-discipline.
2. The investigation of the nature, causes, or principles of reality, knowledge, or values, based on logical reasoning rather than empirical methods.
3. The critical analysis of fundamental assumptions or beliefs.
4. It is a system of values by which one lives.

So, there you have it; those four definitions of philosophy sound a whole lot like four definitions of Masonry, don’t they?

Masonry is intended to be a philosophy and a way of living one’s life. It is not intended that a man be initiated, passed, and raised and then stop seeking knowledge.

It is intended that the search for knowledge be more zealous as one progresses through the degrees and continues throughout his life.

Masonry is meant to provide among other things the means to answer the three questions that every man has asked or will ask at some point in his life.

Those questions, simply put, are:
1. Where did I come from?
2. What is my purpose here?
3. Where am I going?
It is hoped that a student of Masonry will always be studious and inquiring as to the deeper, more hidden meanings of the lessons of our Rituals. It is not meant that the inquiring mind be satisfied only with the obvious and easily seen meanings. To gain all there is to gain from Masonry, it must be constantly studied during one’s life.

What makes a man a Mason?

From a ritualist point of view, some will say the obligation.

However, in today’s world of information technology, you can find out just about anything you want to know from the TV or the internet. Just because a man may know how to operate his TV remote and he learns from the History Channel, the signs, grips and may know some or all the words, it doesn’t make him a Mason.

When a man grips your hand with “that grip” and you look into his eyes you can see in an instant whether he is a Mason and a Brother. No man can fake what is in his heart. These grips, words, and recognition signals no more make a man a Mason than wearing boots and a hat makes a man a cowboy.
They do not grant an imposter access to any secrets or knowledge of our Craft.

They will, however, serve to completely confuse any imposter when he fails to find the “treasures” he seeks. These grips, words, and recognition symbols will prove worthless unless he knows what he seeks.

No, a Man is not a Brother Mason until he has himself gone through the process of initiation, passing, and raising and learned the lessons of the Ritual as required by our Grand Lodge laws. And sadly, even then some men are never really Masons. Just remember that by being initiated into the Entered Apprentice Degree, passed to the Degree of Fellowcraft, and raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason and learning the lessons of those degrees, there has been laid for you a lasting foundation for a moral edifice upon the most sublime principles that mankind has ever known.

Once a Master Mason, you have acquired the basic working tools and a wealth of inspiration to follow that philosophical path of study, and your inquiring mind may roam for a lifetime and never exhaust the opportunities.
I read a Masonic paper the other day quoting Sam J. Helm, Past Grand High Priest of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Texas, in 1924.

This is what he said about Masonry:

Masonry is an ocean of fraternity, and every Mason should sail its broad expanse, because its profound solemnity and matchless beauty can never be appreciated by those who merely wade in the shallows at the shore. The tides have rolled mighty waves upon its bosom, and the storms of centuries have lashed the billows into foam upon its surface, but beneath there have remained, undisturbed, and immutable, the principles of the Brotherhood of Man”. What a profound quote! We should pay heed to this beautiful description of Masonry and adopt its lesson. As long as we, the members of our fraternity, decide to allow ourselves and our new candidates to just “wade along the shore”, the future of Masonry and the Fraternity at large will not grow and prosper. My Brethren, we have a golden opportunity right now to start a revolution in Masonry, because young men are searching for the things that Masonry has been providing its members for centuries. The lessons of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth are basic truths of the ages and the key to our future.

However, the study of the symbolism of the Degrees is the further study of Masonic philosophy that is missing in most Lodges today.

We have forgotten how to be instructors to the new “children” of our fraternity. We must take these new Brethren by the hand and lead them as you would your own child in teaching them how to be better men. We brag about doing that, but are we really?

Before World War II, we did a much better job of teaching our Candidates.

Toward the end of World War II, we had so many Candidates coming thru our doors that we concentrated on just teaching the questions and answers and left the new member on his own to find out about the other lessons in Masonry - its rich history, its philosophy of how you should believe in God and live your life as a good citizen, and how to stand-up for justice and be a patriotic citizen and serve your country and your fellowman.

All these are lessons that the Masonic student should be taught as we continue to explore the tenants of our fraternity and expand our own knowledge of God, the Great Architect of the Universe and the science of nature.

The Voice of Masonry from years past gives us a glimpse of some of the thoughts of our forefathers in these words: Thousands of people tread the earth and behold the sky without discerning any of the beauties or wisdom they display.

They look upon a landscape, beautifully ornamented with trees, shrubs, plants, and flowers, but receive no definite impression of any part of it, and could not name or describe few objects thereon.

They behold the starry canopy above them, but see no constellations, no planets, and no movements indicating the wisdom, the power, and the glory of the Great Architect of the Universe.

So, it is with many who are admitted into Freemasonry. They observe the forms, the ceremonies, the emblems, and the jewels, and they hear the lectures and charges, but fail to discern the ethics and philosophy of those lessons.

They hear the phrase – “Freemasonry is a system of morality, veiled in allegory, and illustrated by symbols,” but do not fathom its meaning and consequently do not solve the allegories nor discern the significance of the symbols.

They are in the temple, but do not get the temple idea. They are among the workmen, but do not see that they are all to be master builders for time and eternity.

They are in the light, but do not receive and apply it as the great means of fitting themselves as living stones for the temple not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.

The Ritual is beautiful, and should be mastered and impressively communicated.

Nevertheless, the Ritual is but the burr, the hull, the husk to the wisdom, the strength, and the beauty of Freemasonry.

The Ritual conceals gems of unparalleled richness and beauty, which must be searched for diligently and faithfully if they shall be found and enjoyed.

That all the Craft would realize this fact and act accordingly, they would be better supplied and armed with truth, better animated with faith, hope and charity, and be better enabled to build the temple of the soul and, in turn, build for the future of Masonry and mankind.

Brethren, this is the Heritage our forefathers left us. It’s now time for us to Preserve Our Heritage by putting those lessons into action and Build Masonry for the Future!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Masonic Society

I laugh when I hear people say that the Freemasons are taking over the world, oh please we cannot even decide what were having for dinner. But you may ask do we a have a desire for world domination. Surprising my answer is Yes, but not to rule over or have the world summit to our style government or religion. But a world of liberation, like the forefathers of our great nation, until we screwed it up. A world which is nothing but a republic of nations, in which everyone is a family and every individual is a child. A noble society, of Ladies and Gentlemen cultivated by the love of  education, fine arts, fine foods, and the nature of man. To reunite all men of enlighten minds, gentle manners, and agreeable wit, not only by the love of the fine arts, but much more by the grand principles of virtue, science, and religion, where the interest of the fraternity shall become those of the whole human race, where all nation shall be enabled to draw from human knowledge, and the subject of all nations shall learn to cherish one another without renouncing their own country. As such our institutions sole aim is to unite minds and hearts in order to advance all men, and form through the course of ages a spiritual empire without degrading, or eliminating state identity, but uniting through the cement of brotherly love, moral virtue and science. The society of Masons are the founders of public education, that each individual has the right to a liberal education without influence of government or religion. Our school systems today, are not what we had envisioned for our children. We now let federal and state government dictate to us what our children will learn. But then I ask what of those children who not educated by the ignorance of their own parents, and are held down because all their anxieties, made to live in their conservative little box, with no outside influences. Isn’t this just as bad, if we somehow were able eliminate the government influence, then wouldn’t we put ourselves right back there again because of our own ignorance? Yes we would, I have seen it happen. I have seen people smart enough to understand the inadequacies of a our public education system, turn to home school for their children only to suffer from an lack exposure to subjects that contradict a believe or religion they may not believe in. Who suffers in this society “our children do”  let me tell you of a story of this girl who was being raised in a conservative Christian household, schooled and was very smart. She loved to help people, she grew up working at the food banks, working at soup kitchens; all she wanted to with her life was help people. After she graduated home school she decided she wanted to be a nurse, to serve people. When she went to college to get her nursing degree, but couldn’t pass the entrance exam, because through the ignorance of her parents she was not taught the basics of human anatomy and learn science well enough to pass the entrance exam. Who has failed here? Not the girl, who has suffered?  Us, we suffered because this young lady cannot fulfill her dream, we cannot benefit from her good works just because of parents anxieties and insecurities over their faith.
   So now our free Masonic society that our forefathers brought forth is slowly being weathered away by our own ignorance and misguidance. Masonry itself failing to answer it’s own purpose, it offers no reason for men to join it, it hides from it’s own spiritual truths. Truths that all men, religions and philosophies can agree, so it may die or be driven back underground so that men may let their minds be free in the confines of their own Lodges.

Those who live in happiness, die in happiness- The Dali Lama

Monday, May 21, 2012

History is biased to its own era.
   Where the hell do we get our information? I love History, don’t know why I just do, I love philosophy, and still trying to figure out why. When I was younger I would read things as they were, like “this is the way it happened”, but as I get older I understand history is written by the victorious, and to take it a step further, it is written the in the manner the victorious wants to be displayed. So when we read history; is our history bias? Historians throughout history have biased their work unintentionally, because of their knowledge in the time they lived. Even though I understand these limitations on historical facts it drives me crazy. I don’t like the fact I may have wrong, or warped, or even contaminated so call facts about my history; I Want the Truth Damn it!  “You can’t handle the TRUTH!” you can’t have it, it’s not even available; so why stress over it. But whow is me because I do. I can’t even get the straight story on the modern news networks. It’s almost always molested by either the liberal media or the conservative anarchy. We cannot even get a real Presidential debate; the establishment of our country will no longer let our news media ask open questions in a real non scripted debate, it has to be laid out beforehand, only certain trusted news anchors are allowed to appear. The establishment wants us to believe we are seeing the real issues, or these politicians sweating it out. Oh please man these guys are just reading a script and looking good. What the worst thing is most Americans buy into this crap. Then of course everybody and their dog sends out e-mails supporting an agenda, telling really sad stories about how the liberal media is spreading lies, when the bigger lie is their own e-mail spreading a conservative agenda, and the only reason their sending out lies is because they support the lies not the truth. Moreover all too often the e-mail forwarders who believes the e-mail completely no matter how outrageous the claims, but will say “I will not read the liberal media because it is bias”. OH MY GODISH, people will believe an e-mail someone made up or an angry blogger over at least an somewhat verifiable media source I believe in a free open and informed society, the problem I am a minority, the only people we have running our government anymore are the ruffians. Yes the inmates are now running the asylum, Wall Street runs our Government, the most powerful people in Washington these days are the lobbyist. If you don’t like what their doing and try to stop them, they will out spend you in every corner; our courts are not even fair anymore. Try to take on Wall Street and they will out spend you, they will tie it up in the court systems so long you will run out of money before they do.  Oh wait I have a solution these corporation who scam the public and out take advantage of the little guy, I’ll just organize a boycott of their product. Don’t waist your time because our courts which are supposed to be of public record, have gage orders issued to protect the parties. So where is freedom of information, most of the time we don’t even know some of these cases exist, because there not made public. Just think of how many cases would not even go to court if these corporations had to succumb themselves to public scrutiny. Again I’m not saying we should take advantage of these corporations with frivolous lawsuits, but all these cases should be made public to let the people decide.  Our courts are influenced by our government and our government is ran by Wall Street, and you thought it was a government for the people by the people.

 What is honored in a country will be cultivated there.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Ramblings of a madman, well not really a madman just me, more like the inner landscapes of a craftsmen, a craftsmen of what? You might ask, well of life, whether you know it or not your building a life, through your own life experiences, and your own knowledge, you are building your own life. I have decided to put some of my thoughts down in my quest for peace of mind. I have always had deep thoughts toward many of the aspects of living, but never had really given the aspects of living and dying, much thought until recently. I think it comes with midlife, and realizing your mortality. I’ve got skeletons in my closet just like many of you reading this do, and I have issues I have to deal with just like many of you do. If you’re reading this you might be  on a journey of you own, so read on, if you care to read my ongoing travels to those undiscovered countries. I use the metaphor of a craftsmen because I am a student of Freemasonry.  
   The philosophy of life and wisdom of age is the main reason I have started this writing. I’m not sure whether anybody would ever want to read this, but if nothing else to let people know their not alone in dealing with issues of life’s journey. Since I have found, profound insight in the truth-seeking idealism of Freemasonry and the Scottish Rite, most of my post will resolve around Masonic themes. I know it seems when I read about other people who have dealt with the thought provoking issues as I have, it makes me feel better; so I can understand there can be learning anxiety issues when you want answers to your questions, but I have come to learn some answers that aren’t really there; just part of life’s mystery.
   As of recently I seemed to be compelled to write of man’s or of my search for truth or purpose of life. Man has been searching for the answers to these questions since the beginning of time; nor am I saying I have found those answers either. What I want to do here, in these writings is to put into perspective of what my interpretation of what the search for truth really means. Of course as I grow older, my views change, my outlook changes, my values change, and my interpretations change, so I will always reserve the right to change my mind. I have also learned that demographics are important as to one’s outlook. I do not consider myself a well traveled person, so my exposure to other people’s position or their point of view is limited. I grew up in very conservative home, with conservative values.  Depending on your perspective, and my perspective of conservative vs liberal which is influenced by, demographics, upbringing, age, and life experiences.  One thing I have learned in my studies is always remember this, when readings someone else’s point of view on a subject or perspective. Not only will you learn more about why the author thinks the way he or she does, but you may also view a subject in a whole new light, one that you may have never considered before. Always remember your reason and your judgment should always be your final conclusion.

An argument should be a presentation of ideas which ends in a truth, not a winner and a looser.
Gary W. Perry

I like quotes.

    I joined the honorable fraternity of Free and Accepted Mason in 1997, and have served as Worshipful Master multiple times, and a 32 degree Scottish Rite. Through Masonry is where much of my journey has taken place. Before I joined Masonry I walked through life blindfolded, which was just fine to me, but once I saw the light there was no turning back. I had emerged from Plato’s cave and witnessed the burning bush. I wanted to turn around, but I could not I was froze, for better or worse. I still have the urge to return to the matrix, to see reality has mere shadows, but I know now that can never happen. Most Masons will complete all of the degrees and never remove their blindfold. I had been a Freemason for years before I actual began to really experience it.
   Now Masonry had begun to fulfill my spiritual needs, and although this is not in line with Masonic teachings, it just worked well for me. But I later decided, I must overcome whatever issues I have with organized religion (I was raised Church of Christ). Although I don’t necessarily believe you have to go church to embrace God, I do believe you need those weekly positive influences if you want to be successful. So through prayer and research God led my family to the United Methodist Church. I was told they would be open to my own interpretations, but like so many American conservative Christians today have institutionalized what is normal and that you must adhere to what they believe is true with total disregard to other cultures and historical truths; unfortunately that weekly positive influences went away. Americans have a hard time seeing outside their own little worlds, or are scared of what they don’t understand. Be skeptical of any organization that professes to be the one true anything, stating that their religion is true and others are not, it is someone overly compensating their own doubts. 

By doubting we come at the truth.

   Since Masonry is a major source for my inspiration in philosophical idea’s. Reading some of the great Masonic philosophers is truly a fulfilling experience, Albert Pike, and Joseph Fort Newton being two of my favorites. These men were not afraid to ask those hard loving, full blooded questions about justice and compassion, and mystery. I have come to believe one of Gods greatest gifts is the fact he has made himself such a mystery to us, so that we earnestly search for him in all that the world has to offer. We should remember that not only as Mason’s but as men of God we should strive to hold the virtues of brotherly love and affection as one of the highest, and remember we are of one brotherhood under the fatherhood of God; when setting out to understand each other to make serious effort not to laugh, not to cry, not to denounce, but to understand. True Masonry is not a set of rules or standards, but a spirit upon which to govern one’s self. Governing one’s self is not constant but changing, as life experience changes us. Some of our best teachers are the people who hurt us the most. Freemasonry has been around for thousands of years in one form or another, but it has been and still is constantly evolving to meet the demands of man. Masonry is larger than any one culture, and has its place among all different traditions. Masonry is the champion of the liberty of interpretation. Masonry cannot be dished out, but must be studied and reflected upon to understand what Masonry is to the individual. Only after this can a solid foundation be established for building the individual mason; so why is Freemasonry so hard to define? Because to each Mason it means something different, so you define it for yourself.
   Masonry teaches us that we should not look to the external, but look to internal when recommending a man to be a Mason. The same holds true when in your search for enlightenment, use your God given abilities to look inward. Jesus said “look neither here or there, for behold the kingdom of God is within you”. Buddha said “Be a light unto your own feet; do not seek outside yourself”.

The only true knowledge is knowing, that you know nothing.

Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own mind.
Franklin D. Roosevelt

Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Beginning

"Human progress is our cause, liberty of thought our supreme wish, freedom of conscience our mission, and the guarantee of equal rights to all people everywhere our ultimate goal."

Scottish Rite Creed