Thursday, December 27, 2012

Metaphysical Heart
  It interesting to note that spiritual journeys of all the major religions begins in the Heart. When discussing Freemasonry we told our journey begins there, because this is where you are first prepared as an Enter Apprentice, then to the weighting of the Heart in final judgment in the 31st degree Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander.
   In the western philosophy we think of the Heart an emblem of love; in the eastern tradition it is an emblem of the centre and often the site of the soul. In China the Heart was also thought of where the Shen or Spirit resides, and was considered the place of intelligence, moral courage and truth. For me the Heart is an expression of the infinite love; which to be in tune with the divine truth we must become an expression of the agape kind of love.  As you read in the 1 Corinthians below:
   1 Corinthians 13:4
Love is patient, love is kind, love is not envious, or boastful, or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrong doing, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
   Why must your journey begin in the Heart, it is because a good man must be rooted in Love; for without this you cannot progress.  As you will also find this in the story of David in the Old Testament, for he is metaphysically an expression of Gods Love, and seems to express that relationship to man.
“that which you seek is seeking you; that which seek you already are”  Deepak Chopra
   In the Gospel of John it says God is Love, so if one does not know his Heart it is impossible to know the divine. Which is the point of your search; Jesus told us to “love God with all our Hearts” and to “love your enemies as yourself. You have to understand these things so you can move forward. If you know your Heart and know divine love you can overcome anything in this world; even death its self. Jesus was an expression of this divine truth, he loved and forgave his enemies no matter what they did to him, and eventually over came death.
   The Heart is a major figure in Egyptian mythology, where it is weighed in the Hall of Justice in the Court of the Dead, using a balance scale against a feather. We also find the allegorical representation of final judgment common in many of the worlds religions. In Buddhism if one has not found enlightment and the Heart is not pure, you are returned to life again and again until you get it right.
   All human judgment is at best uncertain, but serious in its consequences; it must be redefined as time reveals its errors; which can produce regret, and sometimes remorse. It is not wise to seek to judge your fellow man. This happens to be one of the fundamental teachings of Christ; and Zoroaster who’s Heart wished well to every living thing, and said those who are wise only think well of others and not evil.
   To be wise is to be aware of your own actions, thoughts and motives. As humans we are masters of self deception, and cloak our actions with worthy motives, knowing they are less noble.  In many of the degrees of the Scottish Rite we are taught the neutral action is the same as an evil action; for avoiding evil is not the object; as some would lead you to believe, but being a positive light among a less than perfect world.
   In trying to understand the Metaphysical Heart you must always look beyond the mere symbols, and meditate, concentrate, and contemplate upon the inner knowing. It is here you learn the lessons of, to do wrong and make amends, to sin and repent, for all these things belong to the nobler nature of being human.  For those who hold different opinions entertain them as honestly you do your own, you have no right to doubt their sincerity. For no man is truly wise that is not kind, courteous, and charitable.