Thursday, August 2, 2012

Masonic Society

I laugh when I hear people say that the Freemasons are taking over the world, oh please we cannot even decide what were having for dinner. But you may ask do we a have a desire for world domination. Surprising my answer is Yes, but not to rule over or have the world summit to our style government or religion. But a world of liberation, like the forefathers of our great nation, until we screwed it up. A world which is nothing but a republic of nations, in which everyone is a family and every individual is a child. A noble society, of Ladies and Gentlemen cultivated by the love of  education, fine arts, fine foods, and the nature of man. To reunite all men of enlighten minds, gentle manners, and agreeable wit, not only by the love of the fine arts, but much more by the grand principles of virtue, science, and religion, where the interest of the fraternity shall become those of the whole human race, where all nation shall be enabled to draw from human knowledge, and the subject of all nations shall learn to cherish one another without renouncing their own country. As such our institutions sole aim is to unite minds and hearts in order to advance all men, and form through the course of ages a spiritual empire without degrading, or eliminating state identity, but uniting through the cement of brotherly love, moral virtue and science. The society of Masons are the founders of public education, that each individual has the right to a liberal education without influence of government or religion. Our school systems today, are not what we had envisioned for our children. We now let federal and state government dictate to us what our children will learn. But then I ask what of those children who not educated by the ignorance of their own parents, and are held down because all their anxieties, made to live in their conservative little box, with no outside influences. Isn’t this just as bad, if we somehow were able eliminate the government influence, then wouldn’t we put ourselves right back there again because of our own ignorance? Yes we would, I have seen it happen. I have seen people smart enough to understand the inadequacies of a our public education system, turn to home school for their children only to suffer from an lack exposure to subjects that contradict a believe or religion they may not believe in. Who suffers in this society “our children do”  let me tell you of a story of this girl who was being raised in a conservative Christian household, schooled and was very smart. She loved to help people, she grew up working at the food banks, working at soup kitchens; all she wanted to with her life was help people. After she graduated home school she decided she wanted to be a nurse, to serve people. When she went to college to get her nursing degree, but couldn’t pass the entrance exam, because through the ignorance of her parents she was not taught the basics of human anatomy and learn science well enough to pass the entrance exam. Who has failed here? Not the girl, who has suffered?  Us, we suffered because this young lady cannot fulfill her dream, we cannot benefit from her good works just because of parents anxieties and insecurities over their faith.
   So now our free Masonic society that our forefathers brought forth is slowly being weathered away by our own ignorance and misguidance. Masonry itself failing to answer it’s own purpose, it offers no reason for men to join it, it hides from it’s own spiritual truths. Truths that all men, religions and philosophies can agree, so it may die or be driven back underground so that men may let their minds be free in the confines of their own Lodges.

Those who live in happiness, die in happiness- The Dali Lama